Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Monday Dec 13, 2021
2.21 - Mathiness, Ugh!!
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-host is Erica Nilsson.
- Who are you and what is your role in Epic?
- What do you think when you hear someone say “I'm just not a math person”? Are there math-minded people?
- Why do people hate math?
- What are your go to books for math?
- What’s up with this new math? Common Core
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
2.20 - What‘s My Motivation
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Who are you and what is your role in Epic?
- Extrinsic and intrinsic, but also Introjected and Identified
- Introjected motivation is an internalized motivation like intrinsic motivation, but it is a form of motivation resulting from the feeling pressured to perform in order to gain appreciation from individuals of importance such as parents or bosses.
- Identified motivation refers to a form of motivation which occurs as understanding or feeling the need to perform or accomplish some task but not yet acting on this need. Quitting Smoking
- Why do you think its so hard at times to find motivation?
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
2.18 - Developing Feedback Loops
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Developing Feedback Loops
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders, and anyone vested in the world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Bart, how are you today? What has been your biggest surprise this year...good, bad, and ugly?
- I have asked you to talk about feedback loops...What are feedback loops?
- You taught me about developing feedback loops with the people I manage. I have taken this into my HOME...Why are feedback loops so important.
- We are using surveys this year to manage feedback loops. We plan to send a few out this year that are the same so we can see how we are doing at transparency, teaching, customer service, and such...What do you expect to see from families? Teachers?
- What makes a feedback loop fail? successful?
- How do families begin setting this up in their homes? How do teachers do this with families?
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
2.17 - Growth Mindset
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Growth Mindset and Vulnerability
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Who are you and what is your role in Epic?
- What is Growth Mindset to you?
- What qualities are needed or found in people to make a growth mindset successful?
- How can a teacher or parent foster this in a student?
- How can a school administrator foster GM in a teacher?
- How do you celebrate with a student when you recognize they have overcome negative talk or mindset?
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Novels the teach Growth Mindset
Monday Nov 01, 2021
2.16 - Starting Over
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders, and anyone vested in the world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
Who are you and what is your role in Epic?
- Teachers, you had jobs and careers before coming to EPIC...what were you doing before? How do you think that previous job will lend a hand to your current role?
- Why are you choosing to teach when so many teachers are leaving the profession?
- Dr Cook, what does the training look like?
- What has been the most eye opening experience since you have become a teacher?
- What has been the most rewarding experience?
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
2.15 - A Living History Project
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in the world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
My grandparents were born in 1931 and 1937. They have been married for 66 years and have three children. In Kansas and now Missouri they grew up here in middle America, but they have traveled everywhere in their retirement.
- Tatum: Grandpa. You were born in 1931, but I dont have a whole lot of details from before I was 10 so lets start there. In 1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed. What can you remember about this time? What did your parents say or do as a result?
- Jolene: Grandpa you were 19 when the Korean War started. Were you required to serve back then? Were you a part of that war?
- Tatum: Grandma, we are taught in my government class that in the early ’50s the Supreme court ruled in Brown vs Board of Education. This was a Kansas court case that finally said segregation of schools was no longer lawful. Do you recall the overwhelming feelings of the country at the time?
- Tatum: Now grandpa, in Germany in the late 50s, the country was divided. The east was a government of communist rule, which is the idea of a common governmental property, common wages, each paid according to the set rate of worth. The west was trying to be more free, even though they were called fascists by the east and at a height of tension the east German army put up a wall. It was barbed wire at first and then concrete and blocks were put into place. It was called the iron curtain. Did it look like we were headed to war again?
- Jolene: But the wall came down. I know that...when did that happen?
- Jolene: Ok Grandma. What did you think about John F Kennedy? You were like 26 or 27 at the time. Did you have kids yet? Where were you when he was killed in Texas?
- Tatum: Same question but with Martina Luther king jr...where were you and what was the mood of the nation?
- Jolene: Grandpa The moon landing was something that Mr Kennedy said we would do but he never got to see it. Can you recall what sort of tension was in the air before we landed on the moon but while we were in the space race with Russia and China?
- Jolene: Where were the two of you when we landed on the moon? Did you watch it on TV or listen to the radio?
- Tatum: Last question. I wasn’t born yet. Tell me about 9/11.
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
2.14 - Taking Action isn‘t the Goal. Being Strategic is the Goal.
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Taking Action Isn’t the Goal, Being Strategic Is
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders, and anyone vested in the world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-host is
the Founder and Executive Chairman of GiANT,
You have the Prairie at Post which is one of the coolest ideas
The author of 5 books, working on another.
an entrepreneur w 6 other companies
Jeremie Kubicek. Happy belated birthday sir!
- Who are you and what do you do?
- Why do companies always feel the need to take action?
- In your book, you talk about bringing high challenges coupled with high support when working with people...How do you strategically set goals?
- How long should you wait to see if the plan is working?
- How do you decide to tweak the goal by adding or subtracting a variable vs throwing the goal to the junkyard and starting over?
- What role should reflection take in our goal setting and planning?
- What are some personal strategies you use for reflection?
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
You and the family can take the assessment giant.tv/jk
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
2.14 - Pivot Pivot PiVOT
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Pivot. PivOT. PIVOT!
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in the world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Who are you and what is your role here at Epic?
Principal Development Specialist
- Letting formative assessments drive instruction...Why did you choose this topic?
Assess real-time student comprehension, learning needs, and academic progress during a lesson, unit, course, or time period/
Formative is for learning/Summative are of learning
Helps us modify teaching and learning activities
Teachers sometimes say they don’t have time to assess students along the way. They fear sacrificing coverage and insist they must move on quickly. Yet in the rush to cover more, students are actually learning less. Without time to reflect on and interact meaningfully with new information, students are unlikely to retain much of what is "covered".
These don’t all have to be formative that are given on a program. MC offers great ones to look at, but we can do more things simple as an exit ticket from a lesson, a paragraph/classroom polls, admit tickets/think-pair-share
I allow my Tate to make presentations when she asks to show what she knows.
- How long do you give it before you PIVOT?
After we look at the results, we must differentiate instruction even more if it’s not working. (Teacher story about too many Fs)
Give very direct, instructive feedback, and make it an iterative process where student voice is a large part of how we assess them with reflection and self-assessment. That partnership between what’s going on for them as learners and what we’re seeing as educators comes together to help them start to set goals and move on, progress along their own learning.”
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world