Sunday Aug 23, 2020
1.5 - Education Politics and EPIC
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
When it comes to your school can you identify the legislation that would impact your school? Do you have a relationship with the people that lead your district/state?
Policy Chat - Wins and Loses
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders, and anyone vested in world of education
How did you get involved in Politics? What made you bring those skills and knowledge to Epic?
Why did I suggest this topic?
- HB 2905 - Truancy - People (other educators) really thought the lawmakers stuck it to EPIC when this bill was passed.
That's all we have for today. If you like what you heard, go ahead and hit the like button and subscribe to the podcast so you are notified each time a new episode drops. If you are a returning listener you should rate the podcast and leave us a comment.
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world.
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
1.4 - Innovating with Classcraft
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Classcraft and Motivation Engagement Learning
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are:
Kylie Trower
Travis Barnes
Kari Prevett
How did you get involved in education? What made you bring that to Epic?
Kari: What is Classcraft?
Travis: WHy do you think Gamification in Education is so important?
Kylie, tell me what EPIC has done in its partnership with Classcraft this year.
Daily Oklahoman Article https://oklahoman.com/article/5667051/in-oklahoma-remote-learning-goes-to-the-next-level
You and your team enter The Ruined Lands. They sprawl before you, thick with overgrown plants that conceal wild animals shrieking from afar. You and the other enter the ruined lands with you mission. The King of Karaz has told you of a corruption that is sprawling across the land. It is up to you all to try and end the corruption and bring peace to the islands again. You hold the maps of the land, Talik having the knowledge of the Mages, Alster with Haden has new shields that are holding well. They will protect you from the dangerous corruption, but you don't dare touch anything for fear of alerting some ferocious beast.
As you explore your surroundings, you start to wonder if this task is impossible. How will you even begin to cure the corruption or stop it from spreading? You only hope the child of light can help you!
That's all we have for today. If you like what you heard, go ahead and hit the like button and subscribe to the podcast so you are notified each time a new episode drops. If you are a returning listener you should rate the podcast and leave us a comment.
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world.
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
1.3 - Myths and Misconceptions
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
1.3 Misconceptions and Myths
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are:
How did you get involved in education? What made you bring that to Epic?
Why I suggested this topic?
Co-founder David Chaney had to make a public statement on 7/29 about people putting words in his mouth, Co founder Ben Harris made a video addressing teachers telling them “chin up”, Jennifer Palmer is about to drop an article about EPIC Ca as if their laws pertain to Ok...
How much of your job is putting out fires that people have set...people who have no clue the law states or situation may be?
What are some of the misconceptions?
Schools will lose funding if kids enroll in EPIC during the pandemic
Epic teachers never see their students
EPIC kids are all behind when they leave EPIC
Parents get $1000 cash
We are a public school when we want and a private school when it suits us
Colleges hesitate or dont accept EPIC students.
HS credits will not be accepted bc we arent accredited.
Epic steals the left over learning fund when students leave or graduate
EPIC has the lowest graduation rates
EPIC takes away the rights and freedoms of homeschoolers
Epic embezzels
EPIC has ghost students to boost their numbers
That's all we have for today. If you like what you heard, go ahead and hit the like button and subscribe to the podcast so you are notified each time a new episode drops. If you are a returning listener you should rate the podcast and leave us a comment.
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
1.1 - Adaptability and Growth Mindset
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Adaptability/Growth Mindset
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in world of education
How did you get involved in education? What made you bring that to Epic?
PR background - unfulfilled
Love for missions and working with students
Alt Cert - Cutting edge of what the future of education looks like
Why did you suggest this topic?
Pace of change on the rise. Problem - adapt or die.
The solution -creating and sustaining change in a volatile environment requires creative leadership.How do we develop leadership capabilities (competitive capacity and lifelong learning….or the adoption of a growth mindset)
Growth Mindset - a mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or notations held by a person or group of people that arise out of a person's worldview or philosophy of life. Happiness and Grit and cheap...do a physical exercise on this...whats it look like or feel like? We train our brain for this. You are not stuck.
Living with intention. Creating space for incremental change through learning, reflection, and application. Eradicating or moving through fear. Collaborating with others for honest feedback. Open to new ideas and discovery of multiple perspectives. Never expecting to know it all. Always on a quest to discover more. As educators we MUST model this. Embody this. Before expecting this of our teams, students, families, etc.
Book - John Cotter -
Overcoming Childhood trauma - the solution to helping them most lies in their stories.
Tatum with fraction, decimals, percents
Parents have new plans coming at them based on whether or not the original plan is working
Teachers have new plans each year, add a new curriculum they arent used to, Epic Esspenials,
Administrators - Growth at 50-60% each year. How on earth can you forecast for this? How do you put plans into place for this?
Neural associations or pathways may need to be retraced to allow for positivity. Surfing and learning story from Tony Robbins (Day 3 Module 2)
Thats all we have for today. If you like what you heard, go ahead and hit the like button and subscribe to the podcast so you are notified each time a new episode drops.
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world.
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
1.2 - Back to School Bootcamp
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
When the Wind Blows
Back to School Bootcamp
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in the world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show and today’s co-hosts are:
Special Guest: Whitney Farmer, Regina Bell and Skylar Shanks
- How did you get involved in edu? Epic?
Whitney - VBS, Church Camp Counselor. I needed my gifts and talents to be utilized and I had the desire to be developed and poured into. I also had to get outside of the box that my students and I were being shoved into.
Regina- 30 years, needed a change, one on one relationships,
- This back to school might be one of the most different starts. How does a new teacher and a new student navigate this?
Whitney: Put kids first and prioritize learning, be kind to others and be kind to yourself, work hard.
- Skyler: What is the best advice you can give students for the start of this school year?
make a schedule, know exactly what your going to do each day, that helped me a lot. make lots of goals & don’t over stress. ask your teacher questions if you don’t understand something.
- Regina: What is the best advice you can give students for the start of this school year (estab routine)
- Whitney and Regina: What do parents need to know about this school year... New and vets?
Parents need to know that they must lock arms with their teacher. This means communicating often.. What is working, what isn’t working, where can we pivot to make learning and growth occur? We believe in a partnership between the student, the parent and the teacher. Please know that we don’t hire teachers just because they can do this job, we hire people who believe in our mission. Your teacher is prioritizing your child’s education, meeting them where they are and pushing them to be the very best they can be! Growth is hard. Learning is hard. Your teacher will provide you with the tools you need and guide you as we all navigate this journey together.
Edutopia article linked in the notes: Building Productive Relationships With Parents
- Skylar: what should parents do to help their kids be successful this year. Do check ins with them, some kids can stay on task better than others, so that may mean daily or weekly. Keep them on pace. The more uplifting you are the harder they will want to work.
- Workspaces: Dedicated spaces - Beds...anyplace CAN work but its up to the parent, student and teacher to find that space.
We have all heard that that Francis Beacon quote
‘Knowledge is power” But I challenge that notion, knowledge is only potential power. You have to put it into action for it to have any kind of lasting impact.
Thats all the time we have for today. If you like what you heard, go ahead and hit the like button and subscribe to the podcast so you are notified each time a new episode drops.
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world.
Friday Jul 17, 2020
1.0 When the Wind Blows Intro
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Special Guest: Josh Brock, the CFO of EPIC
How did you get involved in edu?
At the admin retreat last year you told a story to the group that sat the tone for me last year…
The Story
Why the podcast?
How can this story set the tone for dealing with all the questions and haters?
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world.