Saturday Oct 02, 2021
2.13 - ADHD: Attention vs Intention
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Attention vs Intention
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders, and anyone vested in the world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Who are you and what is your role at Epic
- You and I were hiding behind a desk this summer during the lunch hour and we were talking about our kids. I shared that my daughters were struggling and then you opened up about your kids. You made me cry.
Attention - notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important.
Intention - a determination to act in a certain way
3. You shared with me a Youtube video. It was a lecture from Dr. Russel Barclay and was 3 hours long and took me two weeks to finish. I’m questioning my own attention now. What were some of your most poignant takeaways from this video?
4. Your problem isn’t about knowing what to do… it’s doing what you know. These kids can be so bright. It’s about performance, not skill.
5. Meds. When Tate was in 4th grade….Ms Monica...We are at Epic now. Are there or were there unintended consequences or rewards for this diagnosis for your family?
6. The problem is a diminished capacity in executive functioning...spectrum slight to severe. Not an excuse for diminished accountability - I have seen way too many parents go the opposite way of accountability.
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
2.12 - Passion-based Edu
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Passion-Based Edu
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Who are you and what is your role in Epic?
- Passion gave us the light bulb and put us on the moon. What are you passionate about?
- How did you develop your passion?
- What are the characteristics/mindsets of a passionate person?
- Can passion be taught? Why or why not?
- How do you currently cultivate passion in your principals? Teachers? Students??
- What kind of barriers prevent passion in ourselves and our students?
Tyler Dewitt Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj3EXpr5v35g3peVWnVLoew
Danica McKellar math books - https://www.amazon.com/Danica-McKellar/e/B001JP7Z7G
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
2.11 - RTI, Interventions, and What Comes Next
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
RIT, Interventions, and what comes next
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders, and anyone vested in the world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Who are you and what is your role in Epic?
- So this time of year people start freaking out a bit about benchmark scores and placement…What is RTI? - Book Quote
- How can parents, guardians, and caregivers help with the RTI process
- We are in the last tier of RTI now with my own kiddos. What happens next?
Resources: https://www.understood.org/articles/en/understanding-response-to-intervention
Book: The One World Schoolhouse - Salman Khan
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Monday Sep 13, 2021
2.10 - Culture and Setting the Tone
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Ramblings today. No show notes.
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
2.9- EpicUp to Level Up
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders, and anyone vested in the world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Welcome back to season 2 of WWB - for those listeners who haven’t heard your episodes from last year...Who are you and how long have you been at Epic?
- What were your biggest challenges last year?
- What were your biggest wins last year?
- This year Epic is launching a new campaign called #EpicUp to Level Up. What is this?
EPIC Up aims to raise student outcomes and engagement by challenging and intrinsically incentivizing faculty, staff, parents, and students, rallying them around a common cause. It does this through the psychology of gamification, connecting generations through gaming lexicon. Mario-like characters illuminate the path for how everyone can level up. And while the campaign doesn't dictate how each person will level up, it does provide resources, suggestions, and collaborative infrastructure so that all of us, most importantly our students, experience meaningful growth this year.
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
2.7 - Policy Chat
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders, and anyone vested in the world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Who are you and what is your role in Epic?
- So...Was this last session good or bad in terms of what we can expect as we move into the 21-22 school year?
- Policymakers and non EPIC educators do not yet have the needed rigorous evidence to answer some seemingly basic questions about when, how and under what conditions online learning can be deployed cost-effectively.
- The two of you are going to try something new this year across the state.
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
2.6 - What's Best for Kids
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
What’s Best for Kids
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Who are you and what is your role at EPIC?
- At EPIC we offer so much choice and flexibility for kids because we believe that is whats best...How do you set “the best” goals for a kiddo?
- How do we get our kids to be more excited and engaged in their learning?
- Conversations on “What’s best” often bring the debate of student work. What’s your stance on retakes and late work?
- What can we expect from this year?
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
2.5 - Rigor Relevance, Relationships
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Rigor, Relevance, Relationships
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
1. Who are you and what is your role at EPIC?
2. You spoke at a teacher training conference about rigor, relevance, and relationships...what do these mean to you?
3. Can you have one of these and not another, what happens?
4. What is your plan as Deputy Superintendent of Instruction, to ensure all teachers are working under this framework?
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
2.4 - Self Pacing
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Self Pacing...is it for everyone?
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Who are you and what is your role in Epic?
- Epic is so different. Let’s define pacing and self pacing.
- Why is Self Pacing so important?
Gretchen: Educational environments that foster self-efficacy develop skills that last a lifetime. Students should be given the chance to self-regulate and gain the pride of managing themselves and their learning.
Erin: Self-pacing gives students the opportunity to experience the feeling of true mastery, because they are given enough time and support to get there. For students who haven’t often experienced that joy, it can have profound effects on their confidence.
We can also add here that these kids are typical better prepared for college.
We have to build a culture of responsible independent students
- Do you think self pacing can have a negative impact on student mastery?
Gretchen: Not all students can regulate on their own. When students get behind and are forced to complete a high volume of work in a short period of time, their retention suffers. Students retain best at a steady consistent pace.
- How do you motivate students who are behind pace?
Gretchen: Sometimes student get frozen with an overwhelming feeling. I would often sit with my student side-by-side and support them until they were caught up enough to feel confident to continue on at a consistent pace. I also helped my students make a calendar/schedule if needed. Not everyone is naturally organized and not everyone works best from 8-5 so understanding how much time and when to focus can motivate students to stay on track.
Erin: Sometimes a frank convo about the pace they are on and if it continues ho wlong it will take to complete what is in front of them i.e. If you stay on this pace it will take two years to complete 10th grade.
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
2.3 - ILPs and Expectations
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Welcome back to When the Wind Blows...an Epic podcast for parents, teachers, leaders and anyone vested in world of education. I am Erin Barnes, host of the show...and today’s co-hosts are
- Who are you and what is your role at EPIC?
- Director of Specialty Courses
World Language
Epic Live Teacher Cooperative Learning Groups
NEW Epic Live Math Department
Before that, I was am Epic teacher for 5.5 years
- At EPIC we offer so much choice and flexibility for kids because we believe that is what's best...How do you set goals for a kiddo? Are they a part of that process?
- What are some non-negotiables you try to stand by when setting the goals and expectations?
Epic Essentials
Staying on Pace
Daily Reading
- Now, you participate in the EpicLive Classes do all of you students attend too?
- How do we get our kids to be more excited and engaged in their learning?
help them find successes along the way
Celebrate wins
Study Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qap5aO4i9A
Tune in next week where we are rethinking how leadership and education can better prepare the next generation for a rapidly evolving world